Power Programs

Take a Journey into Deeper Programs

Clean Coding

A while back ago, I read a book I purchased on Amazon called the Clean Code. I learn some useful tricks, I would like to share them in this post.

Gang of Four Programming Patterns

Recently, I once again picked up the classic book on programming patterns titled Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Softwar. I have always enjoyed learning more about programming patterns. Many programmers will eventually come across these design patterns through reading, observing other people’s code, or discovering them on their own. I think this book can build a common language for other programmers to communicate with one another. From my personal experience as a programmer, I have found several principles that are very important to keep in mind when making decisions on the design and architecture of code.

Machine Learning

Recently, I purchased a book from Amazon about machine learning here. titled “Hands-On Machine Learning.” I am amazed to have found a 5-star rated book on this topic with over 1000 ratings. Anytime I see a book rated 5 stars, I always want to take a look at it. I found most books to be rated at 4.5 stars. I have read the first chapter, and so far I have found it to be very interesting and useful. I have been brainstorming more uses for machine learning, and I would like to share some of them here. Although I have not yet done a lot of research on these ideas, I have been thinking about them.

Principles of OOP

Abstraction - The complexities of parts of the program should be hidden from the places they are used. This is “black box” programming. For example, suppose I have a class called “Math” that has many math equations for algebra, geometry, and calculus. If I am using this class in another class called “Car”, I want a simple flow of inputing and outputting numbers. I don’t need to know the internal complexities of the “Math” class when i’m inside the “Car” class.

Pen Testing

Penetration testing is an important step in securing a network. “A penetration test, also known as a pen test, is a simulated cyber attack against your computer system to check for exploitable vulnerabilities.” (What is Penetration Testing: Step-By-Step Process & Methods: Imperva). Pen testing is performed by highly skilled people trained in ethical hacking.